
Showing posts from February, 2019

New song: Hear Her Typewriter Humming

I've finished a new song for my cello album! This one revolves around a gently bobbing... typewriter! Most of the song has my cello as the main melodic instrument, plus some humming vocals here and there. My goal with this composition was to give it a really relaxed feel, which I think worked out quite well. :) As with all my songs, sheet music for cello can be found at . I've also included a recording of the song without the cello, to play along to. Vocals and artwork were done by Marissa Delbressine. Guitar was played by Thomas van Dijk. One thing I had a lot of fun with for this composition, was cutting up a sample of a typewriter into separate keystrokes, so that I could then play typewriter on my keyboard. This allowed me to create a typewriter that's typing freeform, but at the same time does keep to the rhythm a little bit.