
Showing posts from January, 2014

Concept art can be raw: early designs for AI Station

When people think of concept art, they usually think of the super slick artworks that AAA games release as part of their marketing. However, making such perfected art takes a lot of time and is very inefficient when the goal is to explore many concepts. Today I would like to show the concept art that our artists made for the map AI Station 404 in Awesomenauts , as it is an excellent example of how rough real concept art can be. click for high resolution A couple of months ago I was at a presentation at the Control Conference where concept artist James Daly showed their concept art for one of the Transformers games. Every image looked mindblowingly awesome (have for some examples a look at this , this and this ), but in a sense this is also weird: it seemed like concept artists only make superbly detailed and shaded paintings. Presentations like that give the impression that that is how concept art works, but in practice making such high quality art is highly inefficient. The goal of ...

How chance in games is rarely just a roll of the dice

Games contain many forms of chance. From simply selecting a random character or level to play, to random pick-ups and even completely procedural worlds: chance, luck and randomisation play a huge role. While developing Awesomenauts we have experienced this first hand, especially in the various versions of Leon's crits, which has been changed several times in patches during the past 1.5 years. Last week I mostly talked about the psychology of crits , and today I am going to look at chance in games in general. When a programmer is told to implement a random for something, he will often simply use std::rand() or something similar and that's it. However, in practice it turns out that both players and designers rarely really want a truly random chance. A good example of this can be found in level selection in Awesomenauts: in a practice match there are four levels to chose from, and there is a 'random' button to select random levels. With a true random, the random button m...

The surprisingly many subtleties of designing crits

Crits (or "critical hits") seem like a pretty straightforward topic: there is a certain chance that you deal more damage, and that's about it. It is easy enough to calculate average damage and balance based on that, and beyond that it seems like just a choice whether your game has weapons with crits or not. However, in practice it turns out that there are a lot of subtleties to crits that are not immediately apparent. In Awesomenauts we have had various implementations of crits and each time more subtleties surfaced. So today I would like to talk about their many aspects. Crits can be applied to any weapon or attack and their core element is chance : there is a small chance that a weapon does extra damage. Usually this chance is low, below 30%. Instead of damage, the crit might also add other effects, like a stun or knockback. Crits are mostly seen in RPGs, where they are a nice way of spicing up the weapon variation. A sword that does 10 damage feels quite different fro...

Bitcrunching numbers for bandwidth optimisation

An important part of making a complex multiplayer game like Awesomenauts is optimising bandwidth usage. Without optimisations, just sending position updates for one character to one other player already costs 240 bytes per second (30 updates per second at 4 bytes each for both X and Y). And this is just a fraction of what we need to send: Awesomenauts can have up to 35 characters running around the game world, and we need to synchronise much more than just their positions. As you can see, bandwidth usage quickly spirals out of control, so we need to be smarter than just naively sending all the data all the time. In the many months we spent on bandwidth optimisation, we employed lots of different techniques. The one I would like to talk about today can massively decrease bandwidth by crunching numbers on the level of individual bits. This technique not only worked great for the multiplayer implementation of Awesomenauts, but I am now also using this extensively for reducing the size of...