Style exploration for Cello Fortress
So far I have focussed all my efforts for Cello Fortress on the gameplay. Controlling a game with a live cello is a big challenge, both technically and in terms of game design. Now that that is turning out well, the next step is to get rid of the prototype art and give the game real graphics. I have been thinking a lot about the exact visual style and the goal is of course to make Cello Fortress look really good. While the current version of Cello Fortress does not contain any of these visual ideas yet, today I'd like to show my inspirations, and some visual experiments that I did. The base inspirational image for Cello Fortress' visuals comes from the special edition booklet to Radiohead's album Amnesiac . It is a really noisy and small image, and the scan makes it even worse, but the core of it is this: extremely low-polygon mountains with extremely low-res textures, so that there are big square pixels on the flat triangles. Taking this idea, I did a quick experiment in ...